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Cleansing & Sleep Enhancing - for deep relaxation & emotional balance

80 Euros
Place de l'Église

Description du service

This layered therapy is enhanced by 432 vibrational sound healing to promote energy flow throughout your whole body. The 432 sound works at a cellular level, attuning the body with the natural frequency of the universe and creating brain and body connection. A restorative herbal adrenal pack is applied to help release deeply stored toxins and tension and increase blood flow and circulation. Meanwhile, the Flexbeam is a non-invasive device that combines varying light frequencies to penetrate deep into our cells and increase energy, promote cellular repair and healing, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Deep reflex therapy clears toxins and restores a palpable feeling of wholeness.


  • 20 Place de l'Église, Sonnac-sur-l'Hers, France

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